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The Most Common Spring Roof Problems in Columbus (And What to Do About Them)

May 11, 2023 | Blog, Columbus, Roof Repair, Spring Roof Damage, Spring Roof Problems

As the snow begins to melt, and we spend more time outside, we begin to notice how the cold, snow, ice, and changing temperatures over the autumn and winter have created damage to the exterior of our homes. Perhaps the roof of your home is showing signs of needing attention. What are the most common areas of damage on a roof, and how can they be repaired?

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Have you considered the state of your gutter system? This part of your roofing system can easily be overlooked, but it is essential to water displacement. Here are some key points to ask when looking at the gutter system:

Are the gutters pulling away from the home?
Are there areas of rust?
Are the fasteners loose?
Is the gutter paint chipping?
Do the gutters need to be cleaned out?
Is there evidence of plants growing in the gutters?
Take some time to thoroughly inspect the gutters so they can serve you throughout the upcoming years. If you have concerns about doing the inspection, call on Supreme Exteriors LLC in Columbus for assistance.

Nesting Animals

The roofs of our homes offer many areas where little critters can start their families. We, of course, would prefer they do that family-building out in nature and not on our homes! Gutters, chimney areas, and loose shingles are excellent areas for small animals to build nests. Make sure to clean out any of these areas when you inspect your roof to encourage them to move along and build a nest elsewhere.

Failed Sealants

Many roofing materials contract and expand slightly due to the changes in seasons. Sealants should be inspected to make sure they can withstand another warm season. Sealants surround the rooftop flashing and protect it from water damaging the surfaces underneath. Many times it is hard for the homeowner to determine if the sealants are still strong enough to protect. This is an excellent opportunity to contact a professional who can detect the quality of the sealant, and reseal if need be.

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Curled, Bent, and Broken Shingles

Shingles can warp and split due to chilly temperatures, especially on the edges of a roof. An annual inspection is a perfect time to evaluate the edges of your roof to make sure they are prepared for the upcoming year. Curling, bent, or broken shingles must be replaced soon before more damage can occur.

Damage from Trapped Moisture

Were you able to do a fall inspection in preparation for winter? Many times, we forget about that one! There may be a pile of old leaves and pine needles nestled in a corner holding in moisture. That is a sign there could be potential damage underneath. The moisture along with added rainstorms may not allow this area of a roof to fully dry out. Make sure to remove the wet, damp areas before the critters find them.

Supreme Exterior LLC in Columbus is here to help with all of your roofing needs! We can assist you with springtime inspections to ensure the roof is strong and fully prepared to hold up to the weather conditions ahead. Let us create peace of mind for you in repairing whatever the damages may be before it becomes a crisis. Our team is experienced, insured, and knowledgeable, fully displaying the utmost level of professionalism to every customer. We strive for your complete satisfaction and desire a friendly working relationship.

Contact us today for a springtime inspection!

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